Sunday, May 3, 2009

Keep an eye on these Pansies

During a recently tryint time, my dear friend Cindy (Bear) Vielstich sent me a little package containing this pink bowl, some dirt and tiny Pansy seeds, which I carefully planted, watered and whispered to over the next few weeks.

I prepared a rich bed of soil for my Babies and transplanted them today, can you see 8 tiny shoots in the large container below?

Well, they really are in there, and I'll update you on their progress. Growing things remind us of Father in Heaven's continued care and love. That little package has brought so much joy!
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Nanette said...

I wish I had your green thumb! I want ever so badly to grow flowers in and around my home but I am afraid I kill everything. I had a beautiful basil plant several months ago that I loved desperately but alas, that too went all the way of the earth. :( Maybe I should just keep my darlings at your house and visit them there!
PS-LOVE the gorgeous beads from precious Africa!!!

De and Matt said...

beautiful!!! and, do you have her e-mail by chance? i miss her! and i miss you! hope you are well <3

Becky Rose said...

There used to be a primary song that went like this:

Little purple pansies touched with yellow gold, growing in the corner of my garden oh. They are very tiny, but must try, try , try, just one spot to gladden you and I.

What would you're posts have been like if we had internet and blogging when you were a young mother?